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Friday, April 21, 2006

What About Anti-Masons?

In the previous issue I exposed some information from The Entered Apprentice Handbook By J.S.M. Ward. Forward by: The Honorable Sir John A. Cockburn. It is written for men entering the first level of the Blue Lodge of the Freemasons. There are many Masonic websites that speak openly about their intentions, goals and philosophy. Here is some additional interesting information taken directly from Masonic literature and the sites where you can read it yourself. The reason I am placing the websites where you can read it yourself comes from the encouragement of James T. Tresner, II; Master Mason.

In his introduction to the book, “Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry? The Methods of Anti-Masons,” written by Art deHoyos and Brent Morris, Mr. Tresner encourages criticism and accuses “anti-masons” of misquoting their sources. That is the reason I include the website address where you can read them yourself. These quotes from are of Mr. Tresner.

Because of space restrictions I can not quote his entire forward. I will not, as he claims, misrepresent what he or other masons teach. I have placed his quotes in red.

“It is a sense of betrayal which makes me so personally angry with some of these individuals. I came of age in a time when policemen were your friends, your father knew best, and ministers lived by high moral codes. And I still believe that. But it's getting harder. St. Luke says (16:10) "Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and whoever is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much." As you will see in this book, anti-Masons are often dishonest in both little and much. That's the betrayal! I don't expect a banker to steal my money, I don't expect a physician to prescribe poison, and I don't expect a minister to lie to me. And these men do lie. They are not innocently mistaken; they are not led into error; they are not merely confused. They lie.”

Suppose Brent Morris writes a letter to me, and he writes, "I don't think Art deHoyos is stupid." And, later in the letter, he writes, "I was watching one of our local politicians on television last night, and I was strongly reminded of the line by the ancient poet-philosopher, Sadi, 'Verily, he is like a jack-ass among men, a calf, a body which is bleating.'" Then I sit down and write a letter to Art deHoyos, with Brent's letter in front of me, and I write, "Dear Brother deHoyos, I got a letter today in which Brent Morris wrote, 'I . . . think Art is stupid.' 'He is like a jack-ass among men.'"

If I do that, I have told deliberate, malicious lies. And if I add to my letter, "so you can see what Brent really thinks about you," I have lied again. Bear that in mind as you read the examples of what anti-Masons do when "quoting" Masonic writers. Dishonest in little-dishonest in much.”

If Mr. Tresner is speaking of me, he is dishonest. He continues to claim the reason “anti-masons” attack masons is for profit. He claims it is good business to attack Freemasons because it sells well. He continues:

“Freemasonry, therefore, is a profitable target.
It is not that Freemasonry considers itself above criticism. It is a human institution and, like all such institutions, imperfect and open to improvement. Criticize us if you wish--most Masons do. Examine us in depth--we have nothing to hide. But do not lie about us. And, especially, do not lie about us and then dare to claim you are doing the work of God.” James T. Tresner, II, Master Mason.

I would like to say to Mr. Tresner and to any other mason reading this information, I have not lied to you. If I have misquoted or lied as Mr. Tresner claims please show me where my information is inaccurate. I am quoting valid Masonic sources and I give their web address so anyone may access their information and read it. It is sad when people misquote Masonic sources because it is not necessary. There are enough credible authentic Masonic sources that make fabrication pointless and destructive.

Mr. Tresner says, “Examine us in depth--we have nothing to hide.” I would like to remind Mr. Tresner the Masons have much to hide. It is Mr. Tresner, as do all Master Masons, who swears, “that I will always hail, ever conceal, and never reveal any of the secrets, arts, parts, point or points, of the Master Masons' Degree, to any person or persons whomsoever, except it be to a true and lawful brother of this Degree…”

For having nothing to hide Mr. Tresner sure took an oath to hide it. Freemasonry is a religion. It has it’s own plan of salvation and religious doctrines that stand against the Bible. If you are a mason – get out. Leave the Lodge! There should be no masons permitted to hold office in any Southern Baptist Church – From the Pastor to the Sunday School Teacher (this includes Deacons and Trustees).

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Are Freemason Teachings Christian?

This issue tackles another question posed in a 5th Wednesday. We started March 30 with our first 5th Wednesday Q & A session, and this topic comes from that meeting. If you have questions, about any topic, please feel free to write and mail them to me via the church or bring them on a 5th Wednesday. If you feel my answer is inadequate, in error or just wrong, please let me know that information too.

This article's topic is really hot. There are many Southern Baptist churches involved in this organization through members of their congregation, Sunday School teachers, Deacons, or even by their Pastor. I will name this group later but for now we will just call it the “Craft”. My information comes from valid sources. The root information comes from the people actually in the “Craft”. (I will also add my own commentary using parenthesis.) I will use a different font for their own information and bold it to draw attention to various phrases or words of interest.
Here is what the “Craft” has to say:

For the Fatherhood of God implies the Brotherhood of Man, and, conversely, he who devotes himself to the service of his fellow creatures proves, through his brotherly relationship, his descent from the Father of ALL.

The Mysteries: In every race and every clime, Since the earliest days of Time,
Men have taught the Mystic Quest, Shown the Way to Peace and rest.
Bacchus died, and rose again, On the golden Asian Plain;
Osiris rose from out the grave, And thereby mankind did save:
Adonis likewise shed his blood, By the yellow Syrian flood,
Zoroaster brought to birth, Mithra from His Cave of Earth.
And to-day in Christian Lands, We with them can join hands.

(Can we really join hands with these groups? In the “Craft” you do.)

This poem is very revealing. Bacchus is the god of wine. Osiris is the Egyptian god of the dead. He was raised to life by Isis. Is this your Saviour? Adonis is a Syrian dying-and-reborn annual vegetation god. Mithras was the central savior god of Mithraism, a syncretic Hellenistic mystery religion. Hey Freemasons, these are the gods you worship.

The S.W., representing the Soul, next proves that all present have made some progress towards the light. It is only when this has been achieved that any real advancement becomes possible, and only those who have started can help those who still remain in spiritual darkness. The Soul may desire to become incarnate, but unless its time has come it is turned back at the threshold, and even if it forces itself into birth it is cut short. (Notice they believe you existed in spirit form before you were born.)

When men evolved, and the solar system of religion developed, the God of Vegetation became the Preserver. This characteristic of the J.W. is emphasised by the upright lines of his plumb, which latter reminds us of water which falls from heaven, and of the cast marks of Vishnu in India. (See poem above God of Veg. = Adonis)

The S.W., as he indicates in his reply to the W.M., represents the Sun in its setting, and so the Destructive Side of the Deity, or Shiva. He also stands for the Soul. Shiva shall close not only our mortal life, but Time itself. (Shiva is the third form of god as the Destroyer in Hinduism. The diety they speak of is not the God of the Bible.)

The W.M. represents, as his words indicate, the creative side of God and the Divine Spirit in Man. He sets us to work on earth, but delegates to another the task of calling us back whence we came. He represents the male aspect of the Deity, as is shown by the tau crosses, called levels, on his apron, and by his use of the gavel, which represents the same emblem. The Tau Cross is, of course, a phallic symbol and stands for the male and creative aspect in Man. (Again modeled after Hindu gods where Shiva is the destroyer god, Brahma the creator god and Vishnu the preserver god. Remember: the “Craft” swears they are not a religion. )

The Spirit, being active, is male; whereas both soul and body, being more or less passive, are female. The feminine side of the S.W. or Soul is deliberately emphasised later-in the first degree-by a reference to the Moon, a feminine planet, the emblem of the Soul and of the psychic nature in man. Nor can we ignore the fact that the West is known as the feminine quarter of the heavens, whereas the East is the masculine; it is also worth noticing that Shiva is often depicted with the moon. (My soul and body are NOT female! Notice again the reference to Shiva.)

The three knocks, as distinct from the one knock with which the proceedings started, indicate that the members are about to work for the union and advancement of body, soul and spirit, and not for the body only. (Not by biblical means.)

It sounds almost too incredible to be true but all of the above quotes are from The Entered Apprentice Handbook By J.S.M. Ward. Forward by: The Honorable Sir John A. Cockburn. It is written for men entering the first level of the Blue Lodge of the Freemasons. The book is available online at

and at

If you are a member of a masonic lodge - get out. The masons are a cult leading you away from Christ and not closer to Him. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 When I die, I’m going to Heaven and be with the Creator by Grace through Faith. I will not be going to the Celestial Lodge, to see the Grand Architect of the Universe by my purity of my life and conduct. That’s truth.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Stewardship of the Servant

In the Great Commission Jesus said, “All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” (Matt. 28:18-20)

We as Christians are required to teach ALL things we are taught in the Word of God. We want to be able to say with Paul: “"For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God.” (Acts 20:27) When we stand before the Lord we want to know we did everything we could to get the message out. We can use many methods to get out the word. Pens, pencils, tracts, flyers, brochures, business cards, movies, radio, plays, concerts, children’s programs, music, teaching, driving vans, breakfasts, dinners, yard sales, VBS, back-yard Bible clubs, personal invitations, postcards, letters, billboards, Bibles, and many more things can be used for evangelism and introducing people to the church.

The problem is not found in any of the above methods. The problem is not using our resources here for the work of the Kingdom. Each one of the above named events requires money. God has blessed us with a wonderful building and with great donations from many loving hearts. What good are they for the Kingdom of God if we do not use them to their full potential? What good is a VCR player if we never put a tape in it? What good is a balcony if we do not fill it? What good is a church nest egg? We are provided these items for ministry.
What is the purpose of a church? Remember the church is not a building. It is us. A group of people redeemed by the blood of Christ. We are servants – SLAVES – to our Risen Lord.

We place ourselves voluntarily into this service. If we are truly servants of Christ and we are truly His slaves we recognize that we own nothing. We are stewards of what the Owner (Christ) has placed into our area of responsibility. Jesus Christ made all things and He is the Owner Supreme. Even our bodies are his property we are borrowing for a short time.
What rights do we have? We have no rights. We can demand nothing from the Creator. Christ has given us many things too numerous to number. He has given and He can take them away too. It is required that we execute His will faithfully. We see that in First Corinthians 4:2 where Paul reminds us: “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” Faithfulness is a requirement not a request.

In the parable of the talents found in Matthew 25:14-30 there are only two types of servants – good and faithful servants or wicked and slothful servants. Their status was determined by their action. Into what did they invest their money? Did they invest? The only servant with a savings account when the Lord came back was the servant called wicked and slothful. Each servant has the responsibility to put God’s finances into action. Souls are not impacted for the Kingdom by a church which tries to retain a large savings. Money is a tool to be used for God. It can be used to reach and win lost people to Christ.

Jesus admonishes us in Matthew 6:19-21 to not lay up treasures for ourselves upon the earth. Our treasure is to be laid up in heaven. Jesus warns where our treasure is there will be our heart also. Where is the treasure of our church? In the bank? In the buildings, property or furniture? Or is our investment in the people? 1 John 3:17 says, “But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?”

Do we see the need and are not giving to it or do we just not see the need?How will we stand in judgment as a congregation? Are we a covetous church? Does our bank account say money in the bank is to be desired more than evangelism? What are we doing with what we have? Are we preparing for blessing or chastisement? We are to first consult God and see where He is leading and then by faith go there. The just shall live by faith. The church shall also live by faith not by bank. The souls in the South County area hang in the balance. What kind of servant will we be?

Business Terms for Christian Ministry?

Did you ever notice how many terms and ideas from the business community have infiltrated the church? We have corporate worship, business meetings and budget to meet. Here is a few questions I have been thinking: What is the difference between a business and a ministry? Is a church a business or a ministry? Is it bad for a church to be a business? Doesn’t a church have to pay the bills? How can you pay the bills without income? How do you have income without maintaining a business?

The place for the answer is the Bible. The church was founded upon Peter’s statement to Jesus, “You are the Christ, the Son of God.” (Matt. 16:16) This means the church is founded upon Jesus the Christ. What is the church? The word church in Greek is “ekklesia” which means the group of people who are called out of, or separate from, the world. What is our task, as the church? Our “marching orders” are found in the Great Commission: Go and teach. (teach includes: evangelization and education) (Matt. 28:19-20). And the Great Commandment: Treat others the way you want to be treated. (Matt. 22:37-40) Additional instructions order us to be witnesses to people about what Christ has done for us (Acts 1:8). In order to carry out these commands we are given several things to do: Pray, Study the Bible, Fast, Give, Love, Have Joy, Live Peaceable lives, Encourage, Rebuke, Defend, Witness, Talk, etc. Not once is the church given the task of making a profit. We are required to support the mission of the church and to provide for the burden God gives us. Too often we loose the vision of what the church is and what we do because of the vocabulary we choose. Here are a few vocabulary differences:

Business Term +++ Ministry Term
HIRE an employee +++ CALL a ministry leader
We PAY our employee +++ We SUPPORT a pastor
We go to a job to WORK +++ We go to a ministry to SERVE
This is an OCCUPATION +++ This is a VOCATION / CALLING
Workers are Loyal to THE BUSINESS +++ Ministers are Loyal to CHRIST
Goal: Make the company MONEY +++ Goal: Start and Improve RELATIONSHIPS to Christ
A business SELLS things +++ A ministry OFFERS things
“What can we SELL IT for?” +++ “Who can we GIVE IT to?”
Businesses ENTICE / ENTERTAIN +++ Churches LOVE / SERVE to share Christ
tied to a BUILDING; not the PEOPLE +++ tied to the PEOPLE; not a BUILDING
Concern for PROFIT +++ Concern for PEOPLE

Employees DEMAND RIGHTS +++ Servants have NO RIGHTS only blessings
CUSTOMERS influence business decisions +++ CHRIST influences ministry leadership
MONEY is the base of the business +++ LOVE is the base of the servant relationship
What’s in it for ME? +++ What’s in it for CHRIST?
What would my BOSS do? +++ What would JESUS do?
What is the COMPANY POLICY? +++ What does the BIBLE say?
Safety first, Accidents cost money +++ Protect Physical, Mental, Spiritual health
Let’s TALK about it +++ Let’s PRAY about it
I’ll be THINKING about you +++ I’ll be PRAYING for you
Expects you to be ON TIME +++ Expects you to be EARLY
LEAVE WORK at work +++ Ministry NEVER STOPS
Working is usually stressful +++ Ministry is in the Fruit of the Spirit – Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Goodness, Meekness, Faith, Self-control

Keep business and ministry SEPARATE. +++ My work IS my ministry.
What is the PRICE? +++ What is the spiritual VALUE?
What does it COST? +++ What is the WORTH to the Kingdom?
People are CUSTOMERS +++ People are CREATIONS OF GOD
ON THE JOB integrity and honesty +++ LIFETIME integrity and honesty
“What can you do for me?” +++ The church asks, “What can we do for you?”
Work is a part of my life. +++ Ministry IS my life.

It is clear from Scripture that a church is not a business. Our goal as a church family, is not a profit or even financial enhancement. Our goal is leading people into a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. We are required to give, to support the ministry of the church, but we are not to set spiritual goals based upon the “income” level of the church. We set spiritual goals based on Christ and His leadership. The provision is by Christ through the hands of obedient worshippers to do the service He has given us.